Physical & Occupational Therapy
The Rehabilitation Institute of Washington offers a broad range of outpatient therapy services. Our skilled therapists are dedicated to providing exceptional patient care. Areas of specialty include work injury rehabilitation (including work conditioning and work hardening), chronic pain and musculoskeletal rehabilitation, gait training, ergonomic assessment, hand therapy, and body mechanics training.
Physical Therapy
Our physical therapy programs are designed to improve strength, flexibility, and physical endurance. By learning and practicing exercise as a regular routine, patients can improve their ability to participate in work and leisure activities.
Following a detailed Physical Therapy Evaluation, the physical therapist will work with the patient to develop a specific program to meet their individual needs.
The program may include:
- Gait Training
- Flexibility Exercises
- Spinal Stabilization Exercises
- Postural Exercises
- Neuromuscular Retraining
- Manual Therapy
- Strength Training
- Cardiovascular Exercise
- Modalities as needed
After completion of the program, the patient will be provided with detailed instructions and materials to transition to a home exercise program. Regular communication with the referring physician is an important part of Physical Therapy at RIW.
Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapy offers individual testing and treatment programs to help patients increase their physical strength and endurance to do job-specific work, home and leisure activities. Safety habits are important and patients will learn to pace activity, and to lift and carry safely. Attention is paid to the ability to sit and stand comfortably, to lift and carry, walk, climb stairs, and use arms and hands. During the treatment program, patients will learn new habits and improve their fitness.
Following a detailed Occupational Therapy Evaluation, the occupation therapist will work with the patient to develop a specific program to meet the individual needs of the patient. This may include:
- Upper Extremity Strengthening and Flexibility Exercises
- Body Mechanics Education and Training
- Use of Neutral Postures and Positioning with Functional Activities
- A progressive quota program of work, home and leisure simulated activities
- Practice of ergonomics with use of a computer
- Activities to improve sitting and standing tolerance
- A cognitive-behavioral approach, using positive reinforcement for pain behavior-free performance
At the completion of the occupational therapy program, the patient will be provided with detailed instructions and materials to transition to a home exercise program. Regular communication with the referring physician is an important part of Occupational Therapy at RIW.
To make a referral, please contact our office at (206) 859-5030, or visit our referrals page.