Low Back Pain
Low back pain (LBP) is the most common cause of disability in working age adults and one of the most common reasons for seeking health care. Most individuals experience back pain at some point in their lives. When it becomes a chronic condition, and interferes with the ability to work or engage in normal activities, it can cause emotional and financial distress for entire families.
Spinal surgery is only rarely indicated for LBP, and even then may not resolve back pain. There is limited evidence that traditional medical treatments such as injections or pain medications are helpful, and yet these are frequently offered, often with significant negative side effects. There is growing agreement that for chronic LBP, associated with significant activity limitations or work disability more than 12 weeks, an interdisciplinary pain rehabilitation program is the treatment of choice.
At RIW, we rehabilitate individuals with low back pain so they can return to normal, productive and healthy lifestyles. Treatment includes comprehensive physical and occupational therapy to improve physical function; cognitive behavioral coping strategies for pain, sleep, and emotional distress; reduction of harmful medications; and help returning to work or other important activities.